10/2017 On Set of „Die Rosenheim Cops“…
...with my old friend and colleague Max Müller. - You want to know who was the killer? Well, just wait and see - on german TV...
03/2017: Berlin: On Set of „REICHSTAG“…
Playing former socialdemocratic politician PHILIPP SCHEIDEMANN (1865 - 1939) who proclaimed the ending of Monarchy and the initiation of the first Republic in Germany. (With wonderful colleagues like Anna Thalbach or Karoline Bär.) (19/03/2017)
1/2017: US-Magazine-Horrorfreaknews: „The House“ among the 15 best horrorfilms in 2016!
...Nr. 13 : The House!! http://horrorfreaknews.com/2016-best-horror-movies
US-Premiere of „The House“ at Chinese Theatre LA, Oct.2016
http://horrorfreaknews.com/house-2016-review/12645 Wonderful Reviews for german actor Mats Reinhardt at screamfest LA in Oct.2016 for his leading part in the norwegian feature "The house". Here an extract of the review by one of the most important scary-movie critics in the world, Michael Klug: (The whole article you can read by clicking the link below) "As the higher ranking Kreiner, Mats Reinhardt is appropriately stern and commanding, but the script allows Reinhardt the opportunity to find the softer spots of what could easily be a Ralph Fiennes-esque character straight out of Schindler’s List. Kreiner’s tales of woe offer Reinhardt the opportunity to emote, if all too briefly. The [...]
Showreel update! (Schauspielervideos)
Now including scenes from "the house" (Some in english): http://www.schauspielervideos.de/video/mats-reinhardt.html
„The house“ goes Hollywood!
"Huset" ("The House") goes Hollywood! The film entered the official competition of 14 feature films at screamfest-LA, the most important filmfestival in the world for independent scary movies! You can watch it on Oct.23th, 6 pm at Chinese Theatre Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood! https://screamfestla.com/2016/festival/film-guide#filter=.feature